Understanding light

understanding light

Welcome to our module on understanding light and its quantum properties. Through the resources and lessons below, we will delve into the world of photons, exploring their remarkable quantum nature and the myriad ways they can be harnessed for computing, communications, and storing information.

Module Contents

  1. The power of photons

  2. Quantum Optics

  3. Storing information in light

  4. Computing with only a few light particles

  5. The Zeno Blockade

Module overview

1. The power of photons

Our exploration begins with an appreciation of The Power of Photons. Through this lesson, we uncover the foundational role that photons play in quantum optics. From their physical properties to their role in quantum information processing, we gain insight into the unique properties that make photons the quintessential carriers of quantum information.

2. Quantum Optics

Next, we delve deeper into the heart of it, in Quantum Optics. Here, we explore the rich tapestry of non-linear optics and quantum effects.

3. Storing information in light

Next, we will look at storing information in light, where we discuss the theoretical and practical considerations of encoding information in light particles, exploring concepts like time domain encoding and the potential of photons as carriers of quantum information.

4. Computing with only a few light particles

Next, we will discuss computing with only a few light particles, where we will explore how quantum behavior manifests more distinctly with fewer particles, such as through antibunching and second-order coherence. Weak coherent states are identified as a valuable tool for understanding quantum effects and contributing to the development of quantum devices due to their scalability and ease of manipulation. We will also discuss the role of nonlinear optics and how experiments with weak coherent states can pave the way for advancement in quantum technology.

5. The Zeno Blockade

The Zeno Blockade leverages the quantum Zeno effect, where frequent observation prevents a quantum system from changing states, to make two photons interact by effectively "bouncing" one off the other. This interaction is facilitated using an optical cavity and sum-frequency generation, creating conditions where nonlinear effects either allow or block light particles based on specific resonance and interaction parameters.


This course has provided a theoretical introduction to optical computing, its advantages, challenges, and applications. Next, we recommend getting started with our module Introduction to Dirac-3.