Source code for qci_client.optimization.utilities
- """Utilities, especially for creating request bodies."""
- import gzip
- from io import BytesIO
- import json
- from math import floor
- import sys
- from typing import Generator, Tuple
- from qci_client.optimization import types
- from qci_client.optimization import enum
- MEMORY_MAX: int = 8 * 1000000
- [docs]
- def get_file_type(*, file: dict) -> enum.FileType:
- """Get file type from a file."""
- file_config_keys = list(file["file_config"].keys())
- if len(file_config_keys) != 1:
- raise ValueError(
- "improper number of files specified in file_config (should be exactly one)"
- )
- return enum.FileType(file_config_keys[0])
- [docs]
- def get_file_config(*, file: dict) -> Tuple[dict, enum.FileType]:
- """Get file configuration and file type from a file."""
- file_type = get_file_type(file=file)
- return file["file_config"][file_type.value], file_type
- [docs]
- def get_post_request_body(*, file: dict) -> types.MetadataPostRequestBody:
- """Format metadata body."""
- file_config, file_type = get_file_config(file=file)
- optional_fields = {}
- if "file_name" in file:
- optional_fields["file_name"] = file["file_name"]
- if file_type == enum.FileType.CONSTRAINTS:
- return types.MetadataPostRequestBody(
- **optional_fields,
- file_config=types.ConstraintsMetadataConfig(
- constraints=types.ConstraintsMetadata(
- num_constraints=file_config["num_constraints"],
- num_variables=file_config["num_variables"],
- )
- ),
- )
- if file_type == enum.FileType.GRAPH:
- if "directed" in file_config:
- optional_fields["directed"] = file_config["directed"]
- if "multigraph" in file_config:
- optional_fields["multigraph"] = file_config["multigraph"]
- if "graph" in file_config:
- optional_fields["graph"] = file_config["graph"]
- return types.MetadataPostRequestBody(
- **optional_fields,
- file_config=types.GraphMetadataConfig(
- graph=types.GraphMetadata(
- **optional_fields,
- num_edges=file_config["num_edges"],
- num_nodes=file_config["num_nodes"],
- )
- ),
- )
- if file_type == enum.FileType.HAMILTONIAN:
- return types.MetadataPostRequestBody(
- **optional_fields,
- file_config=types.HamiltonianMetadataConfig(
- hamiltonian=types.HamiltonianMetadata(
- num_variables=file_config["num_variables"],
- )
- ),
- )
- if file_type == enum.FileType.OBJECTIVE:
- return types.MetadataPostRequestBody(
- **optional_fields,
- file_config=types.ObjectiveMetadataConfig(
- objective=types.ObjectiveMetadata(
- num_variables=file_config["num_variables"],
- )
- ),
- )
- if file_type == enum.FileType.POLYNOMIAL:
- return types.MetadataPostRequestBody(
- **optional_fields,
- file_config=types.PolynomialMetadataConfig(
- polynomial=types.PolynomialMetadata(
- min_degree=file_config["min_degree"],
- max_degree=file_config["max_degree"],
- num_variables=file_config["num_variables"],
- )
- ),
- )
- if file_type == enum.FileType.QUBO:
- return types.MetadataPostRequestBody(
- **optional_fields,
- file_config=types.QuboMetadataConfig(
- qubo=types.QuboMetadata(
- num_variables=file_config["num_variables"],
- )
- ),
- )
- raise ValueError(f"unsupported/non-input file type: '{file_type.value}'")
- [docs]
- def get_patch_request_body(*, file: dict) -> types.PartPatchRequestBody:
- """Format part body."""
- file_config, file_type = get_file_config(file=file)
- if file_type == enum.FileType.CONSTRAINTS:
- return types.PartPatchRequestBody(
- file_config=types.ConstraintsPartConfig(
- constraints=types.ConstraintsPart(data=file_config["data"])
- ),
- )
- if file_type == enum.FileType.GRAPH:
- return types.PartPatchRequestBody(
- file_config=types.GraphPartConfig(
- graph=types.GraphPart(
- links=file_config["links"],
- nodes=file_config["nodes"],
- )
- ),
- )
- if file_type == enum.FileType.HAMILTONIAN:
- return types.PartPatchRequestBody(
- file_config=types.HamiltonianPartConfig(
- hamiltonian=types.HamiltonianPart(data=file_config["data"])
- ),
- )
- if file_type == enum.FileType.OBJECTIVE:
- return types.PartPatchRequestBody(
- file_config=types.ObjectivePartConfig(
- objective=types.ObjectivePart(data=file_config["data"])
- ),
- )
- if file_type == enum.FileType.POLYNOMIAL:
- return types.PartPatchRequestBody(
- file_config=types.PolynomialPartConfig(
- polynomial=types.PolynomialPart(data=file_config["data"])
- ),
- )
- if file_type == enum.FileType.QUBO:
- return types.PartPatchRequestBody(
- file_config=types.QuboPartConfig(
- qubo=types.QuboPart(data=file_config["data"])
- ),
- )
- raise ValueError(f"unsupported/non-input file type: '{file_type.value}'")
- [docs]
- def zip_payload(*, payload: types.PartPatchRequestBody) -> bytes:
- """
- :param payload: str - json contents of file to be zipped
- :return: zipped request_body
- """
- with BytesIO() as fileobj:
- with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fileobj, mode="w", compresslevel=6) as file:
- file.write(json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8"))
- return fileobj.getvalue()
- [docs]
- def file_part_generator(*, file: dict, compress: bool) -> Generator:
- """
- Break file-to-upload's data dictionary into chunks, formatting correctly with each
- returned chunk.
- :param file: file to break up into file parts
- :param compress: whether or not file parts are to be compressed
- :return: generator of (part_body, part_number) tuples
- """
- if compress:
- data_chunk_size_max = 20000
- else:
- data_chunk_size_max = 10000
- file_config, file_type = get_file_config(file=file)
- if file_type in enum.FILE_TYPES_JOB_INPUTS_NON_GRAPH:
- return _data_generator(
- file_type=file_type,
- file_config=file_config,
- step_length=data_chunk_size_max,
- )
- if file_type == enum.FileType.GRAPH:
- return _graph_generator(
- file_type=file_type,
- file_config=file_config,
- step_length=data_chunk_size_max,
- )
- if file_type in enum.FILE_TYPES_JOB_RESULTS:
- return _results_generator(
- file_type=file_type,
- file_config=file_config,
- step_length=_compute_results_step_len(data=file_config["solutions"][0]),
- )
- raise ValueError(f"unsupported file type: {file_type.value}")
- def _get_size(*, obj, seen=None) -> int:
- """
- Recursively finds size of objects
- :param obj: data object to recursively compute size of
- :param seen: takes a set and is used in the recursive step only to record whether an
- object has been counted yet.
- :return int:
- """
- size = sys.getsizeof(obj)
- if seen is None:
- seen = set()
- obj_id = id(obj)
- if obj_id in seen:
- return 0
- seen.add(obj_id)
- if isinstance(obj, dict):
- size += sum(_get_size(obj=v, seen=seen) for v in obj.values())
- size += sum(_get_size(obj=k, seen=seen) for k in obj.keys())
- elif hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
- size += _get_size(obj=obj.__dict__, seen=seen)
- elif hasattr(obj, "__iter__") and not isinstance(obj, (str, bytes, bytearray)):
- size += sum(_get_size(obj=i, seen=seen) for i in obj)
- return size
- def _get_soln_size(*, soln):
- if isinstance(soln[0], dict):
- return _get_size(obj=soln)
- return sys.getsizeof(soln[0]) * len(soln)
- def _compute_results_step_len(*, data: list) -> int:
- """
- Compute the step length for "chunking" the provided data.
- Args:
- data: A list of data
- Returns:
- The step length for "chunking" the data
- """
- soln_mem = _get_soln_size(soln=data)
- chunk_ratio = MEMORY_MAX / soln_mem
- step_len = max(floor(chunk_ratio), 1)
- return step_len
- def _data_generator(
- *, file_type: enum.FileType, file_config: dict, step_length: int
- ) -> Generator:
- for part_number, i in enumerate(
- range(0, max(1, len(file_config["data"])), step_length)
- ):
- chunk = {
- "file_config": {
- file_type.value: {
- "data": file_config["data"][i : i + step_length],
- }
- }
- }
- yield chunk, part_number + 1
- def _graph_generator(
- *, file_type: enum.FileType, file_config: dict, step_length: int
- ) -> Generator:
- for part_number, i in enumerate(
- range(
- 0,
- max(1, len(file_config["links"]), len(file_config["nodes"])),
- step_length,
- )
- ):
- chunk = {
- "file_config": {
- file_type.value: {
- "links": file_config["links"][i : i + step_length],
- "nodes": file_config["nodes"][i : i + step_length],
- }
- }
- }
- yield chunk, part_number + 1
- def _results_generator(
- *, file_type: enum.FileType, file_config: dict, step_length: int
- ) -> Generator:
- for part_number, i in enumerate(
- range(0, max(1, len(file_config["solutions"])), step_length)
- ):
- chunk = {"file_config": {file_type.value: {}}}
- for key, value in file_config.items():
- chunk["file_config"][file_type.value][key] = value[i : i + step_length]
- yield chunk, part_number + 1